CP in a Nutshell

Charles Prud'homme, Sept. 2025

IMT Atlantique, LS2N, TASC

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Constraint Programming

CP is a powerful paradigm for solving combinatorial problems.

Originated from AI and operations research.

Widely used in scheduling, planning, and resource allocation.

Techniques for Solving Combinatorial Problems

Exact methods

Linear Programming, Integer Programming, SAT, CP , …

Approximation methods

Heuristics, Metaheuristics, Local Search, …

Exact Method

CP is an exact method, meaning it guarantees to find a solution if one exists or proves no solution is possible.

Typically it involves searching the solution space exhaustively but with intelligent pruning.

Similarities with Linear Programming (LP)

  • Both CP and LP are used to solve optimization problems.
  • They both define variables, domains, and constraints.
  • Both use systematic search techniques for exploring solutions.

Differences with LP

  • LP: Problems are expressed using linear constraints and an objective function.
  • CP: Can handle non-linear and logical constraints without requiring an objective function.

CP is more flexible in expressing combinatorial relationships.

P = (V,D,C)

What is a Variable?

A variable represents an unknown value that needs to be determined.


  • In a Sudoku puzzle, each cell can be a variable representing its value.
  • In a scheduling problem, each task can be a variable representing its start time.
  • In a routing problem, each node can be a variable representing its successor.
  • In a packing problem, each item can be a variable representing its bin.

What is a Domain?

The domain of a variable is the set of possible values that the variable can take.


  • For a Sudoku cell, the domain might be the set of possible values: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}.
  • For a scheduling task, the domain might be the set of possible start times: [1, 999].
  • For a routing problem, the domain might be the set of possible successors: {A, B, C, D}.

What is a Constraint?

A constraint defines a condition that must be satisfied by the variables in its scope.


  • In Sudoku, “each row must contain all numbers from 1 to 9” is a constraint.
  • In scheduling, “no two tasks can happen at the same time” is a constraint.
  • In routing, “each node must be visited exactly once” is a constraint.
  • In packing, “the sum of weights in each bin must not exceed the bin capacity” is a constraint.

What is a Solution?

A solution is an assignment of values to all variables such that all constraints are satisfied.

CP problems may have one, many, or no solutions.

Constraint Propagation

Constraint propagation is a core technique in CP to reduce the domain of variables.

  • Propagates the impact of constraints throughout the problem, reducing search space.
  • Pruning infeasible values from domains.

Example of Propagation

Consider two variables X and Y with domain {1, 2, 3} and a constraint X > Y.

After propagation:

  • the domain of X becomes {2,3}.
  • the domain of Y becomes {1,2}.

Propagation in Practice

Global constraints are used to capture common patterns and enable efficient propagation.

In real-world problems, propagation can significantly reduce the time it takes to find a solution.

Search Space

CP solvers alternate between Depth-First Search (DFS) and constraint propagation to find a solution.

DFS explores one possible solution at a time and backtracks whenever a constraint is violated.

Search Strategies

CP solvers explore possible assignments of values to variables.

Each node in the search tree represents a partial assignment, validated through constraint propagation.

Backtracking in CP

When a conflict arises, CP solvers backtrack.

  • This means undoing the most recent variable assignment and trying an alternative.
  • This is crucial for ensuring that all potential solutions are explored.

Benefits of Constraint Programming

  • Expressive: Can handle complex relationships and constraints.
  • Flexible: Easily adapts to various domains like scheduling, routing, and resource allocation.

Applications of CP

  • Scheduling (e.g., airline crew scheduling).
  • Resource allocation (e.g., production planning).
  • Routing problems (e.g., vehicle routing).


Constraint Programming is a versatile and powerful tool for solving complex combinatorial problems.

Ideal for problems with rich, non-linear constraints.