A boolean variable $\text{cell}_{i,j}$ per cells of the grid, set to true when the cell is shaded, false oterhwise.
$$\forall i,j \in [1,15]^2, \text{cell}_{i,j} = \{0,1\}$$
And that’s enough !
Any column and row should respect its sequence in BLOCKS
. To do so,
each sequence of BLOCKS
is turned into a Deterministic Finite
Automaton (DFA). There is a gap between two consecutive blocks, before
the first block and after the last block of a sequence there can be a
gap. The length of each block is injected in the DFA. Any gap is encoded
with a ‘0’s and any block by ‘1’s.
The constraint needed here is named regular. It takes a finite sequence variables and a DFA as input. With the help of a vocabulary (available values, in our case 0 and 1) and a grammar (the allowed sequence), the constraint constructs only valid words of a given size (the variables length). It ensures a very good level of filtering (AC), but the major difficulty relies on building the DFA.
There are two ways to create it: based on a regular expression or describing all states and transitions.
The objective is to find a solution that satisfies each constraint.