
A bunch of code.

A model

// load parameters
// ...
// A new model instance
Model model = new Model("WarehouseLocation");

// a warehouse is either open or closed
BoolVar[] open = model.boolVarArray("o", W);
// which warehouse supplies a store
IntVar[] supplier = model.intVarArray("supplier", S, 1, W, false);
// supplying cost per store
IntVar[] cost = model.intVarArray("cost", S, 1, 96, true);
// Total of all costs
IntVar tot_cost = model.intVar("C", 0, 99999, true);

for (int j = 0; j < S; j++) {
    // a warehouse is 'open', if it supplies to a store
    model.element(model.intVar(1), open, supplier[j], 1).post();
    // Compute 'cost' for each store
    model.element(cost[j], P[j], supplier[j], 1).post();
for (int i = 0; i < W; i++) {
    // additional variable 'occ' is created on the fly
    // its domain includes the constraint on capacity
    IntVar occ = model.intVar("occur_" + i, 0, K[i], true);
    // for-loop starts at 0, warehouse index starts at 1
    // => we count occurrences of (i+1) in 'supplier'
    model.count(i+1, supplier, occ).post();
    // redundant link between 'occ' and 'open' for better propagation[i]).post();
// Prepare the constraint that maintains 'tot_cost'
int[] coeffs = new int[W + S];
Arrays.fill(coeffs, 0, W, C);
Arrays.fill(coeffs, W, W + S, 1);
// then post it
model.scalar(ArrayUtils.append(open, cost), coeffs, "=", tot_cost).post();

The last parameter of the element constraints (line 19 and 21) indicates an offset. It enables to adapt the index range wrt to the domain of the variable: here supplier variables lower bound is 1. But, open array index starts at 0 and an offset is needed to match supplier with open array. In other words, first element constraint states that $open[supplier[s] - o] = 1$ where $o$ is set to 1.

A search strategy

Since the problem is hard to solve, defining an adapted strategy is a key to success. Among all declared variables, the ones that holds the problem are ‘open’ and ‘supplier’: deciding on these variables has a great effect on the size of the search space reduction. They are named after that effect as decision variables.

A good strategy for that problem is to select, among decisions variables, the one with the smallest domain first. If two variables or more have the smallest domain size, ties are broken randomly. Then, the value in the middle of the domain of the selected variable is assigned to it, with a floor rounding policy (the closest value greater or equal to the middle value is returned).

Solver solver = model.getSolver();
    new VariableSelectorWithTies<>(
        new FirstFail(model),
        new Smallest()),
    new IntDomainMiddle(false),
    ArrayUtils.append(supplier, cost, open))

The resolution objective

The objective is to minimize ’tot_cost’.

// Find a solution that minimizes 'tot_cost'
Solution best = solver.findOptimalSolution(tot_cost, false);

This method attempts to find the optimal solution.

Alternatively, the search loop can be unfold.

model.setObjective(false, tot_cost);
    // do something on solution

The objective variable and criteria should be declared, but there is no need to post the cut manually, the solver manages this. When the unfold search process is used, one can modify the way the cut is handled:

// Walking cut: allow same value solutions
solver.getObjectiveManager().<Integer>setCutComputer(obj -> obj);
model.setObjective(false, tot_cost);
    // do something on solution

Unfold search process allows you to execute code on solution easily.

One can add a limit to the resolution process. For example, a 10 second-limit can be defined like this:

// then run the resolution
Solution best = solver.findOptimalSolution(tot_cost, false);

The search should be configured before being called. There can be multiple limitations, in that case, the first reached stops the search.

Pretty solution output

We can define a function that prints any solutions in a pretty way.

private void prettyPrint(Model model, IntVar[] open, int W, IntVar[] supplier, int S, IntVar tot_cost) {
    StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder();
    st.append("Solution #").append(model.getSolver().getSolutionCount()).append("\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < W; i++) {
        if (open[i].getValue() > 0) {
            st.append(String.format("\tWarehouse %d supplies customers : ", (i + 1)));
            for (int j = 0; j < S; j++) {
                if (supplier[j].getValue() == (i + 1)) {
                    st.append(String.format("%d ", (j + 1)));
    st.append("\tTotal C: ").append(tot_cost.getValue());

Calling this method is made easy with the unfold resolution instruction.

The entire code

// load parameters
// number of warehouses
int W = 5;
// number of stores
int S = 10;
// maintenance cost
int C = 30;
// capacity of each warehouse
int[] K = new int[]{1, 4, 2, 1, 3};
// matrix of supply costs, store x warehouse
int[][] P = new int[][]{
    {20, 24, 11, 25, 30},
    {28, 27, 82, 83, 74},
    {74, 97, 71, 96, 70},
    {2, 55, 73, 69, 61},
    {46, 96, 59, 83, 4},
    {42, 22, 29, 67, 59},
    {1, 5, 73, 59, 56},
    {10, 73, 13, 43, 96},
    {93, 35, 63, 85, 46},
    {47, 65, 55, 71, 95}};

// A new model instance
Model model = new Model("WarehouseLocation");

// a warehouse is either open or closed
BoolVar[] open = model.boolVarArray("o", W);
// which warehouse supplies a store
IntVar[] supplier = model.intVarArray("supplier", S, 1, W, false);
// supplying cost per store
IntVar[] cost = model.intVarArray("cost", S, 1, 96, true);
// Total of all costs
IntVar tot_cost = model.intVar("tot_cost", 0, 99999, true);

for (int j = 0; j < S; j++) {
    // a warehouse is 'open', if it supplies to a store
    model.element(model.intVar(1), open, supplier[j], 1).post();
    // Compute 'cost' for each store
    model.element(cost[j], P[j], supplier[j], 1).post();
for (int i = 0; i < W; i++) {
    // additional variable 'occ' is created on the fly
    // its domain includes the constraint on capacity
    IntVar occ = model.intVar("occur_" + i, 0, K[i], true);
    // for-loop starts at 0, warehouse index starts at 1
    // => we count occurrences of (i+1) in 'supplier'
    model.count(i+1, supplier, occ).post();
    // redundant link between 'occ' and 'open' for better propagation[i]).post();
// Prepare the constraint that maintains 'tot_cost'
int[] coeffs = new int[W + S];
Arrays.fill(coeffs, 0, W, C);
Arrays.fill(coeffs, W, W + S, 1);
// then post it
model.scalar(ArrayUtils.append(open, cost), coeffs, "=", tot_cost).post();

model.setObjective(Model.MINIMIZE, tot_cost);
Solver solver = model.getSolver();
    new VariableSelectorWithTies<>(
        new FirstFail(model),
        new Smallest()),
    new IntDomainMiddle(false),
    ArrayUtils.append(supplier, cost, open))
    prettyPrint(model, open, W, supplier, S, tot_cost);

The best solution found is:

Solution #23
    Warehouse 1 supplies customers : 4
    Warehouse 2 supplies customers : 2 6 7 9
    Warehouse 3 supplies customers : 8 10
    Warehouse 5 supplies customers : 1 3 5
    Total C: 383
Model[Model-0], 23 Solutions, Minimize tot_cost = 383, Resolution time 0,069s, 76 Nodes (1 098,9 n/s), 93 Backtracks, 26 Fails, 0 Restarts

Things to remember

  • The element constraint can be very helpful, one can have more details on it on the Global Constraint Catalog.
  • The count constraint is also part of the must-have constraints (Global Constraint Catalog).
  • Besides pre-defined search strategies, one can also constructed a specific one. Most of the time, it is worth the time spent on it.
  • The resolution process can be unfold and limited. It allows interacting with solution state without building default solution object.
  • Cut process is managed by the solver, but it can be modified when using the unfold resolution process.
Last modified September 17, 2024: Change codeFence to tabpane (e8ffa50)