Designing a propagator

How to develop a propagator?

Designing your own constraint

You can create your own constraint by creating a generic Constraint object with the appropriate propagator:

Constraint c = new Constraint("MyConstraint", new MyPropagator(vars));

The only tricky part relies in the propagator implementation. Your propagator must extend the Propagator class but, at the begining, not all methods have to be overwritted. We will see two ways to implement a propagator ensuring that X >= Y.

A guided implementation of a scalar constraint is presented in the tutorial: Designing a constraint.

Basic propagator

You must at least call the super constructor to specifies the scope (set of variables) of the propagator. Then you must implement the two following methods:

void propagate(int evtmask)

This method applies the global filtering algorithm of the propagator, that is, from scratch. It is called once during initial propagation (to propagate initial domains) and then during the solving process if the propagator is not incremental. It is the most important method of the propagator.

ESat isEntailed()

This method checks the current state of the propagator. It is used for constraint reification. It checks whether the propagator will be always satisfied (ESat.TRUE), never satisfied (ESat.FALSE) or undefined (ESat.UNDEFINED) according to the current state of its domain variables. For instance,

  • $A \neq B$ will always be satisfied when $A={0,1,2}$ and $B={4,5}$.
  • $A = B$ will never be satisfied when $A={0,1,2}$ and $B={4,5}$.
  • The entailment of $A \neq B$ cannot be defined when $A={0,1,2}$ and $B={1,2,3}$.

ESat isEntailed() implementation may be approximate but should at least cover the case where all variables are instantiated, in order to check solutions.

Here is an example of how to implement a propagator for X >= Y:

// Propagator to apply X >= Y
public class MySimplePropagator extends Propagator<IntVar> {

    IntVar x, y;

    public MySimplePropagator(IntVar x, IntVar y) {
        super(new IntVar[]{x,y});
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;

    public void propagate(int evtmask) throws ContradictionException {
        x.updateLowerBound(y.getLB(), this);
        y.updateUpperBound(x.getUB(), this);

    public ESat isEntailed() {
        if (x.getUB() < y.getLB())
            return ESat.FALSE;
        else if (x.getLB() >= y.getUB())
            return ESat.TRUE;
            return ESat.UNDEFINED;

Elaborated propagator

The super constructor super(Variable[], PropagatorPriority, boolean); brings more information. PropagatorPriority enables to optimize the propagation engine (low arity for fast propagators is better). The boolean argument allows to specifies the propagator is incremental. When set to true, the method propagate(int varIdx, int mask) must be implemented.

NOTE: Note that if many variables are modified between two calls, a non-incremental filtering may be faster (and simpler).

The method propagate(int varIdx, int mask) defines the incremental filtering. It is called for every variable vars[varIdx] whose domain has changed since the last call.

The method getPropagationConditions(int vIdx) enables not to react on every kind of domain modification.

The method setPassive() enables to desactivate the propagator when it is entailed, to save time. The propagator is automatically reactivated upon backtrack.

The method why(...) explains the filtering, to allow learning.

Here is an example of how to implement a propagator for X >= Y:

// Propagator to apply X >= Y
public final class MyIncrementalPropagator extends Propagator<IntVar> {

    IntVar x, y;

    public MyIncrementalPropagator(IntVar x, IntVar y) {
        super(new IntVar[]{x,y}, PropagatorPriority.BINARY, true);
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;

    public int getPropagationConditions(int vIdx) {
        if (vIdx == 0) {
            // awakes if x gets instantiated or if its upper bound decreases
            return IntEventType.combine(IntEventType.INSTANTIATE, IntEventType.DECUPP);
        } else {
            // awakes if y gets instantiated or if its lower bound increases
            return IntEventType.combine(IntEventType.INSTANTIATE, IntEventType.INCLOW);

    public void propagate(int evtmask) throws ContradictionException {
        x.updateLowerBound(y.getLB(), this);
        y.updateUpperBound(x.getUB(), this);
        if (x.getLB() >= y.getUB()) {

    public void propagate(int varIdx, int mask) throws ContradictionException {
        if (varIdx == 0) {
            y.updateUpperBound(x.getUB(), this);
        } else {
            x.updateLowerBound(y.getLB(), this);
        if (x.getLB() >= y.getUB()) {

    public ESat isEntailed() {
        if (x.getUB() < y.getLB())
            return ESat.FALSE;
        else if (x.getLB() >= y.getUB())
            return ESat.TRUE;
            return ESat.UNDEFINED;

    public String toString() {
        return "prop(" + vars[0].getName() + ".GEQ." + vars[1].getName() + ")";


We distinguish two kinds of propagators:

Necessary propagators, which ensure constraints to be satisfied.

Redundant (or Implied) propagators that come in addition to some necessary propagators in order to get a stronger filtering.

Some propagators cannot be idempotent (Lagrangian relaxation, use of randomness, etc.). For some others, forcing idempotency may be very time consuming. A redundant propagator does not have to be idempotent but a necessary propagator should be idempotent .

Trying to make a propagator idempotent directly may not be straightforward. We provide three implementation possibilities.

The decomposed (recommended) option:

Split the original propagator into (partial) propagators so that the fix point is performed through the propagation engine. For instance, a channeling propagator $A \Leftrightarrow B$ can be decomposed into two propagators $A \Rightarrow B$ and $B \Rightarrow A$. The propagators can (but do not have to) react on fine events.

The lazy option:

Simply post the propagator twice. Thus, the fix point is performed through the propagation engine.

The coarse option:

the propagator will perform its fix point by itself. The propagator does not react to fine events. The coarse filtering algorithm should be surrounded like this:

// In the case of ``SetVar``, replace ``getDomSize()`` by ``getEnvSize()-getKerSize()``.
long size;
  size = 0;
  for(IntVar v:vars){
  // really update domain variables here
  for(IntVar v:vars){

NOTE: Domain variable modifier returns a boolean valued to true if the domain variable has been modified.

Last modified 16.03.2020: Update doc (2a51b22)